This Open Data Service is available for developers to obtain real-time arrival and departure information for local bus services. The API responses are XML or JSON.

You will be required to register and accept the terms and conditions of use. Following this you can log into the portal and access the data via the API calls.

Browse through our collections of API's

Bus Stops

List of Bus Stops served by Reading Buses, including GPS Position

Live Vehicle Positions

Identifies where vehicles are currently positioned

Live Journey Details

Identifies actual and predicted journey times on live journeys

Stop Predictions

Get predictions at specified bus stop

List Of Lines

List of lines operated by Reading Buses

Line Patterns

Get a list of the bus stops on a given line or all lines

Timetabled Journeys

Scheduled journeys for given line and date and location

Tracking History

Provides recorded arrival and departures times of bus on previously tracked journeys

Vehicle Position History

Provides GPS plot for a given bus on a given day